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The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Volume 53, Issues 1-6,
Pages 1-613 (June 1995)

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Regulation of Apoptosis by Steroid Hormones, Pages 1-8
Rosemary B. Evans-Storms and John A. Cidlowski
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (925 K)

Novel Mechanisms of Antiprogestin Action, Pages 9-17
Kathryn B. Horwitz, Tung Lin and Glenn S. Takimoto
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1491 K)

Gene Regulation of Steroidogenesis, Pages 19-25
Tsuneo Omura and Ken-ichirou Morohashi
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (469 K)

Potential Interactions Between Estrogen Receptor and Thyroid Receptors Relevant for Neuroendocrine Systems, Pages 27-31
Tammy L. Dellovade, Zhu Yuan-Shan and Donald W. Pfaff
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (464 K)

Molecular Genetic Analysis of Glucocorticoid Signalling in Development, Pages 33-35
W. Schmid, T. J. Cole, J. A. Blendy and G. Schütz
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (230 K)

The Molecular Biology of Androgenic 17-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenases, Pages 37-39
Stefan Andersson, Wayne M. Geissler, Sushma Patel and Wu Ling
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (249 K)

Distribution of 3-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase in Rat Brain and Molecular Cloning of Multiple cDNAs Encoding Structurally Related Proteins in Humans, Pages 41-46
Marilyn Khanna, Qin Ke-Nan and Cheng K-C.
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (701 K)

Regulation of Ferredoxin Gene in Steroidogenic and Nonsteroidogenic Cells, Pages 47-51
Yeh Jing-RueyCory HuangGuo Ing-CherngChung Bon-chuWu Du-An and William E. Rainey
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (535 K)

Mineralocorticoid Receptors and Hypertension, Pages 53-55
John W. Funder
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (273 K)

Hormonal Regulation of Peripheral-type Benzodiazepine Receptors, Pages 57-59
Moshe Gavish
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (281 K)

Differentiation of Adult Leydig Cells, Pages 61-68
Lauri Benton, Shan Li-Xin and Matthew P. Hardy
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (754 K)

Steroid Hormones Upregulate Rat Angiotensin II Type 1A Receptor Gene: Role of Glucocorticoid Responsive Elements in Rat Angiotensin II Type 1A Promoter, Pages 69-73
Deng-Fu Guo, Shusei Uno and Tadashi Inagami
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (407 K)

Regulation of Adrenocortical Steroidogenesis by Benzodiazepines, Pages 75-79
I. Thomson, R. Fraser and C. J. Kenyon
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (408 K)

Function and Distribution of a Steroidogenic Cell-specific Transcription Factor, Ad4BP, Pages 81-88
K. Morohashi, O. Hatano, M. Nomura, K. Takayama, M. Hara, H. Yoshii, A. Takakusu and T. Omura
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (454 K)

Cytochrome P 450(11): Structure-Function Relationship of the Enzyme and its Involvement in Blood Pressure Regulation, Pages 89-94
Mitsuhiro Okamoto, Yasuki Nonaka, Miho Ohta, Hiroshi Takemori, Sunil Krishna Halder, Wang Zhi-nong, Tiejun Sun, Osamu Hatano, Akira Takakusu and Tetsuo Murakami
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (521 K)

Comparison of Protein Phosphorylation Patterns Produced in Adrenal Cells by Activation of cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase and Ca-dependent Protein Kinase, Pages 95-101
J. A. Hartigan, E. G. Green, R. M. Mortensen, A. Menachery, G. H. Williams and N. R. Orme-Johnson
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (658 K)

Role of the Peripheral-type Benzodiazepine Receptor and the Polypeptide Diazepam Binding Inhibitor in Steroidogenesis, Pages 103-110
Vassilios Papadopoulos and A. Shane Brown
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (768 K)

The Murine 3-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Multigene Family: Structure, Function and Tissue-specific Expression, Pages 111-118
Anita H. Payne, Trent R. Clarke and Paul A. Bain
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (519 K)

Human Prepubertal Testicular Cells in Culture: Steroidogenic Capacity, Paracrine and Hormone Control, Pages 119-125
Marco A. Rivarola, Alicia Belgorosky, Esperanza Berensztein and Maria T. G. de Dávila
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (763 K)

Molecular Basis of Human 3-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Deficiency, Pages 127-138
Jacques Simard, Eric Rheaume, Farida Mebarki, Rocio Sanchez, Maria I. New, Yves Morel and Fernand Labrie
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1187 K)

Ectopic ACTH Syndrome, Pages 139-151
Bernardo L. Wajchenberg, Berenice B. Mendonça, B. Liberman, Maria Adelaide A. Pereira and Marvin A. Kirschner
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1143 K)

17-Hydroxylase/17,20-lyase Defects, Pages 153-157
Toshihiko Yanase
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (377 K)

Defects in Steroidogenic Enzymes. Discrepancies Between Clinical Steroid Research and Molecular Biology Results, Pages 159-164
M. Zachmann
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (554 K)

Aromatase in Bone Cell: Association with Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women, Pages 165-174
Hajime Nawata, Seiichi Tanaka, Seiko Tanaka, Ryoichi Takayanagi, Yoshiyuki Sakai, Toshihiko Yanase, Shoichiro Ikuyama and Masafumi Haji
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (537 K)

ARIMIDEXTM: A New Oral, Once-A-Day Aromatase Inhibitor, Pages 175-179
Paul V. Plourde, Martin Dyroff, Mitch Dowsett, Laurence Demers, Roger Yates and Alan Webster
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (367 K)

Transcriptional Regulation of the Human Aromatase Cytochrome P 450 Gene Expression in Human Placental Cells, Pages 181-190
Katsumi Toda, Yang Li-Xia and Yutaka Shizuta
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (904 K)

A Molecular Model for the Interaction Between Vorozole and Other Non-steroidal Inhibitors and Human Cytochrome P 450 19 (P 450 Aromatase), Pages 191-197
Luc M. H. Koymans, Henri Moereels and Hugo Vanden Bossche
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (531 K)

Actions of Progesterone on Human Sperm: a Model of Non-genomic Effects of Steroids, Pages 199-203
Elisabetta Baldi, Csilla Krausz, Michaela Luconi, Lorella Bonaccorsi, Mario Maggi and Gianni Forti
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (480 K)

Benefits and Risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Pages 205-208
M. Breckwoldt, C. Keck and U. Karck
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (350 K)

Endothelin Expression in the Uterus, Pages 209-214
I. T. Cameron, C. R. Bacon, G. P. Collett and A. P. Davenport
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (517 K)

The Molecular Biology of the FSH Receptor, Pages 215-218
Michael D. Griswold, Leslie Heckert and Carol Linder
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (307 K)

Regulation of the Genes for Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) I and II and Their Receptors by Steroids and Gonadotropins in the Ovary, Pages 219-221
Eleuterio R. Hernandez
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (225 K)

Subdermal Contraceptive Implants, Pages 223-226
Octavio Peralta, Soledad Diaz and Horacio Croxatto
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (365 K)

Steroid-Protein Interaction in Human Placenta, Pages 227-231
Felice Petraglia, Antonio Alberto de Micheroux, Pasquale Florio, Michela Salvatori, Andrea Gallinelli, Vito Cela, Marco Antonio Palumbo and Andrea Riccardo Genazzani
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (399 K)

Role of 17-Estradiol and Progesterone in the Regulation of Synthesis and Secretion of Chorionic Gonadotropin by the First Trimester Human Placenta, Pages 233-239
A. Jagannadha Rao, K. S. S. Prasad, S. C. Sharma and V. S. R. Subbarayan
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (913 K)

The Physiology of the Ovary: Maturation of Ovarian Granulosa Cells and a Novel Role for Antioxidants in the Corpus Luteum, Pages 241-246
Raymond J. Rodgers, Tina C. Lavranos, Helen F. Rodgers, Fiona M. Young and Coralie A. Vella
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (717 K)

Transdermal Application of Steroid Hormones for Contraception, Pages 247-251
Régine Sitruk-Ware
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (427 K)

Different Patterns of Metabolism Determine the Relative Anabolic Activity of 19-Norandrogens, Pages 253-257
Kalyan Sundaram, Narender Kumar, Carl Monder and C. Wayne Bardin
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (407 K)

Steroid Regulation of Parathyroid Hormone-related Protein Expression and Action in the Rat Uterus, Pages 259-265
V. Paspaliaris, D. N. Petersen and M. A. Thiede
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (644 K)

Sexual Differentiation of Brain and Behavior in Quail and Zebra Finches: Studies with a New Aromatase Inhibitor, R76713, Pages 267-275
A. Foidart and J. Balthazart
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (927 K)

Regulation of Hypothalamic Somatostatin by Glucocorticoids, Pages 277-282
Jesús Devesa, Mónica García Barros, Miguel Gondar, J. A. F. Tresguerres and Víctor Arce
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (464 K)

Structure and Regulation of the Luteinizing Hormone Receptor Gene, Pages 283-291
Maria L. Dufau, Tsai-Morris Chon Hwa, Hu Zhang Zhi and Ellen Buczko
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (668 K)

Gonadal Hormone Regulation of Neuronal-Glial Interactions in the Developing Neuroendocrine Hypothalamus, Pages 293-298
L. M. Garcia-Segura, M. Dueñas, S. Busiguina, F. Naftolin and J. A. Chowen
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (593 K)

Involvement of a Direct Neural Mechanism in the Control of Gonadal Functions, Pages 299-305
I. Gerendai, Zs. Csaba, Z. Vokó and V. Csernus
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (515 K)

Sexual Dimorphism in the Developmental Regulation of Brain Aromatase, Pages 307-313
John B. Hutchison, Cordian Beyer, Rosemary E. Hutchison and Andrew Wozniak
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (676 K)

Long-term Control of Neuronal Excitability by Corticosteroid Hormones, Pages 315-323
M. Joëls, W. Hesen and E. R. de Kloet
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (759 K)

Glutamate: a Major Neuroendocrine Excitatory Signal Mediating Steroid Effects on Gonadotropin Secretion, Pages 325-329
Darrell W. Brann and Virendra B. Mahesh
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (491 K)

Metabolism of Steroids in Pure Cultures of Neurons and Glial Cells: Role of Intracellular Signalling, Pages 331-336
R. C. Melcangi, M. Ballabio, V. Magnaghi and F. Celotti
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (471 K)

Hypothalamic Excitatory Amino Acid System During Sexual Maturation in Female Rats, Pages 337-341
Jaime A. Moguilevsky, Silvia Carbone, Berta Szwarcfarb, Dora Rondina and Pablo Scacchi
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (356 K)

Effects of Steroids on the Brain Opioid System, Pages 343-348
Flavio Piva, Patrizia Limonta, Donatella Dondi, Federica Pimpinelli, Luciano Martini and Roberto Maggi
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (511 K)

Catecholamines in Steroid-dependent Brain Development, Pages 349-353
Alexander G. Reznikov and Nadezhda D. Nosenko
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (424 K)

Biosynthesis and Assay of Neurosteroids in Rats and Mice: Functional Correlates, Pages 355-360
P. Robel, J. Young, C. Corpéchot, W. Mayo, F. Perché, M. Haug, H. Simon and E. E. Baulieu
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (404 K)

Oestrogen Receptor Independent Expression of Progestin Receptors in Human Meningioma--a Review, Pages 361-365
M. A. Blankenstein, S. G. A. Koehorst, C. J. H. van der Kallen, H. M. Jacobs, A. B. van Spriel, G. H. Donker, J. W. van't Verlaat, G. Blaauw and J. H. H. Thijssen
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (495 K)

Oxidative and Reductive Pathways of Estrogens in Hormone Responsive and Non-responsive Human Breast Cancer Cells In Vitro, Pages 367-374
Luigi A. M. Castagnetta, Orazia M. Granata, Rosaria Farruggio, Sonia Cannella, Annalisa Montesanti, Giuseppa Oliveri, Carmela Sorci, Mario Mesiti and Giuseppe Carruba
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1396 K)

Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor and Ovarian Cancer, Pages 375-379
A. M. Di Blasio, C. Carniti, P. Vigano' and M. Vignali
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (299 K)

Effects of 5-Reductase Inhibitors on Intraprostatic Androgens in the Rat, Pages 381-385
E. di Salle, D. Giudici, L. Biagini, C. Cominato, G. Briatico and A. Panzeri
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (392 K)

Antiestrogens: Mechanisms and Actions in Target Cells, Pages 387-393
Benita S. Katzenellenbogen, Monica M. Montano, Pascale Le Goff, David J. Schodin, W. Lee Kraus, Bhavna Bhardwaj and Nariaki Fujimoto
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (642 K)

Potential Activities of Androgen Metabolizing Enzymes in Human Prostate, Pages 395-400
Michael Krieg, Heike Weisser and Sabine Tunn
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (475 K)

Growth of the Androgen-dependent Tumor of the Prostate: Role of Androgens and of Locally Expressed Growth Modulatory Factors, Pages 401-405
Patrizia Limonta, Donatella Dondi, Marina Montagnani Marelli, Roberta M. Moretti, Paola Negri-Cesi and Marcella Motta
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (534 K)

Estrone Sulfate-sulfatase and 17-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Activities: a Hypothesis for Their Role in the Evolution of Human Breast Cancer from Hormone-dependence to Hormone-independence, Pages 407-412
J. BotellaJ. ParisJ. R. Pasqualini, G. Chetrite, B-L. Nguyen, C. Maloche, L. Delalonde, M. Talbi, M-C. Feinstein and C. Blacker
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (504 K)

The Role of Cytokines and Sulphatase Inhibitors in Regulating Oestrogen Synthesis in Breast Tumours, Pages 413-420
M. J. Reed, A. Purohit, L. J. Duncan, A. Singh, C. J. Roberts, G. J. Williams and B. V. L. Potter
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (668 K)

Steroid Hormone Receptor Status Defines the MMTV Promoter Chromatin Structure In Vivo, Pages 421-429
Trevor K. Archer, Christy J. Fryer, Huay-Leng Lee, Eva Zaniewski, Tao Liang and Joe S. Mymryk
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (775 K)

Differentiation Induction of Human Leukemia Cells (HL60) by a Combination of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 and Retinoic Acid (All Trans or 9-Cis), Pages 431-441
A. Verstuyf, C. Mathieu, L. Verlinden, M. Waer, B. K. Tan and R. Bouillon
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1082 K)

Androgen Receptor Mutations, Pages 443-448
A. O. Brinkmann, G. Jenster, C. Ris-Stalpers, J. A. G. M. van der Korput, H. T. Brüggenwirth, A. L. M. Boehmer and J. Trapman
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (492 K)

Progesterone Receptor and the Mechanism of Action of Progesterone Antagonists, Pages 449-458
Dean P. Edwards, Magda Altmann, Angelo DeMarzo, Yixian Zhang, Nancy L. Weigel and Candace A. Beck
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1019 K)

The Cellular Retinoic Acid Binding Proteins, Pages 459-465
Mark Donovan, Birgitta Olofsson, Anne-Lee Gustafson, Lennart Dencker and Ulf Eriksson
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (691 K)

Fatty Acid Activation of Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor (PPAR), Pages 467-473
Carlos Bocos, Martin Göttlicher, Katy Gearing, Carol Banner, Eva Enmark, Michéle Teboul, Anja Crickmore and Jan-åke Gustafsson
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (669 K)

Developmental Roles of the Retinoic Acid Receptors, Pages 475-486
David Lohnes, Manuel Mark, Cathy Mendelsohn, Pascal Dollé, Didier Decimo, Marianne LeMeur, Andrée Dierich, Philippe Gorry and Pierre Chambon
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1051 K)

Definition of the Critical Cellular Components Which Distinguish Between Hormone and Antihormone Activated Progesterone Receptor, Pages 487-495
David L. Clemm, Bryan L. Macy, Dolores Santiso-Mere and Donald P. McDonnell
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (857 K)

Enzymes and Binding Proteins Affecting Retinoic Acid Concentrations, Pages 497-502
J. L. Napoli, M. H. E. M. Boerman, X. Chai, Y. Zhai and P. D. Fiorella
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (555 K)

Chicken Ovalbumin Upstream Promoter Transcription Factor (COUP-TF): Expression During Mouse Embryogenesis, Pages 503-508
Fred A. Pereira, Yuhong Qiu, Ming-Jer Tsai and Sophia Y. Tsai
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (630 K)

Phosphorylation and Progesterone Receptor Function, Pages 509-514
Nancy L. Weigel, Wenlong Bai, Yixian Zhang, Candace A. Beck, Dean P. Edwards and Angelo Poletti
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (514 K)

Structure and Function of Corticosteroid-binding Globulin: Role of Carbohydrates, Pages 515-522
George V. Avvakumov
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (678 K)

Corticosteroid-binding Globulin (CBG) in Fetal Development, Pages 523-527
J. R. G. Challis, E. T. M. Berdusco, T. M. Jeffray, K. Yang and G. L. Hammond
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (496 K)

Sex Hormone-binding Globulin and Female Reproductive Function, Pages 529-531
Nicholas Botwood, Diana Hamilton-Fairley, Deborah Kiddy, Stephen Robinson and Stephen Franks
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (245 K)

Endocytosis of Androgen-binding Protein (ABP) by Spermatogenic Cells, Pages 533-542
Anne Gerard
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1446 K)

Sex Hormone-binding Globulin/Androgen-binding Protein: Steroid-binding and Dimerization Domains, Pages 543-552
Geoffrey L. Hammond and Wayne P. Bocchinfuso
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (987 K)

Genetic Variations in Human Testosterone-Estradiol Binding Globulin, Pages 553-559
Fernando Larrea, Cecilia Cariño, Dianne O. Hardy, Neal A. Musto and James F. Catterall
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (635 K)

Receptors for Androgen-binding Proteins: Internalization and Intracellular Signalling, Pages 561-565
Catarina S. Porto, Maria F. M. Lazari, Lygia C. Abreu, C. Wayne Bardin and Glen L. Gunsalus
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (442 K)

Interrelations Between Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG), Plasma Lipoproteins and Cardiovascular Risk, Pages 567-572
Michel Pugeat, Philippe Moulin, Patrice Cousin, Sylvie Fimbel, Marie Héléne Nicolas, Jean Charles Crave and Hervé Lejeune
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (608 K)

Androgen Binding Protein is Tissue-specifically Expressed and Biologically Active in Transgenic Mice, Pages 573-578
Sara Larriba, Cristina Esteban, Núria Toràn, Anne Gérard, Laura Audí, Hubert Gérard and Jaume Reventós
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (971 K)

Plasma Vitamin D-binding Protein (Gc-globulin): Multiple Tasks, Pages 579-582
John G. Haddad
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (299 K)

Receptor Mediated Genomic Action of the 1,25(OH)2D3 Hormone: Expression of the Human Vitamin D Receptor in E. coli, Pages 583-594
Hsieh Jui-Cheng, Shigeo Nakajima, Michael A. Galligan, Peter W. Jurutka, Carol A. Haussler, G. Kerr Whitfield and Mark R. Haussler
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1366 K)

Regulation of the Ferredoxin Component of Renal Hydroxylases at Transcriptional and Postranslational Levels and of the Protein Inhibitor of Cyclic AMP-dependent Kinase, Pages 595-598
Helen L. Henry, Chilung Tang, Raymond Blanchard and Gail S. Marchetto
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (319 K)

Immunomodulatory Actions of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3, Pages 599-602
Jacques M. Lemire
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (347 K)

Chemistry and Conformation of Vitamin D Molecules, Pages 603-613
William H. Okamura, M. Mark Midland, Marion W. Hammond, Noorsaadah Abd. Rahman, Murray C. Dormanen, Ilka Nemere and Anthony W. Norman
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (750 K)


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